欢迎进入西安联诚轨道交通科技有限公司官网! 资讯热线:029-83432891
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   The company has more than 60 professionaltechnical and servicestaff with collegedegree and above. Theperfect service support system is a reliable guarantee to ensure the safe operation of equipment system. The company's after-sale service system is established by the client response center and technical support department based on a set of strict service process and system.

   我公司为客户提供的服务体系包括:技术咨询、用户培训、故障事件响应、系统升级、安装、调试、维护等。通过规范的管理有效快速为客户提供服务,具体则通过企业服务规范及文档的建立; 服务过程记录;服务监督与 投诉;保障承诺服务的实现。

   Our service system consists of technical consultation, user training, fault event response, system upgrade,installation, commissioning, maintenance, etc. We have established a standard management system aiming at providing satisfied support service for clients. It is specifically achieved through the establishment of service specification and documents, record of service process, supervision and complaint of service and guarantee service。