型号 # | Z01-FOCUS ( 焦点 ) |
直径(mm) | 56 |
球宽(mm) | 44 |
轴距 (mm) |
4.5 |
重量 (g) | 63.5 |
材料 | 6061+不锈钢环 |
轴承 | 10珠不锈钢精品U轴 |
胶圈 | 透明胶圈 |
中轴 | M4 x 8 mm 不锈钢 |
表面 | 整体磨砂(A区亮面) |
招式 | 1A, 3A, 5A 【不可自动回收】 |
MAGICYOYO has been always FOCUSing on the "High standards of professional design and cost-effective positioning" We created the Z01-FOCUS as a, "Thank You!", for all the love and support the throwing commuinty has provided us. This budget friendly professional design will be available Thanksgiving Day only 39USD !!! Hit the online retail store around your country or check the site Gomagicyoyo.com to grab one !!!! Each color combo is a limited edition !!! Hope all of you guys Enjoy the FOCUS-Z01!!!
中国,美国, 韩国,日本,法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、英国、丹麦、爱尔兰、希腊、葡萄牙、西班牙、奥地利、
地址 : 深圳市宝安区沙井新桥新和大道6-18号大宏高新科技园701-702
电话 : 86-0755-29899692 传真 : 86-0755-2993-3559
邮箱 : winnie@magicyoyo.cn
网站建设:合优 网易企业邮箱