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C919 first flight was the Chinese keyboard Xia mocked the Americans hit their faces

Time:2017-05-06 Read:1292

Just a few hours ago this afternoon, we made a major breakthrough in China's manufacturing industry: our Chinese design of large passenger aircraft C919 successfully completed the first flight, which also means that we have become China, the United States, Russia, Britain, France, the fifth country can produce large passenger aircraft, and after decades of brutal competition, today's world market civilian aircraft market by the United States Boeing and the European Airbus two equally divided, China C series aircraft holding and Their tripartite ambitions, today out of the first step to break the pattern.

However, those who can not see their own country to achieve the slightest results of the keyboard Xia who quickly jumped out, began multi-faceted on the C919 cynical. Such as "please lead to sit first, or fart people do not sit", and, for example, "This plane is to take foreign parts to spell out, and your country does not matter."

Ironically, the "New York Times" in the United States came out to fight the face of these internet junk.
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It turned out that when the news of the success of the first flight of the C919 in Shanghai today, many Western media have reported on the matter as a positive and positive news.

Among them, the United States, "New York Times" is very objective and positive to the Americans introduced the success of the first flight of the C919 significance: Although China's C919 and has been in the large passenger aircraft industry for many years the development of Boeing and Airbus two large companies There is still some gap compared to; but for a 40 years ago or the world's poorest countries, C919's first flight to show the success of China is the rising power of the latest industrial power.

The reason why the New York Times said so, because the newspaper reporter is very clear even if the C919 engine and cockpit and other system components are imported from abroad, but the construction of a large civil aircraft, not some of China's keyboard Think so simple, not the parts together to be able to heaven.

For example, an expert interviewed by the New York Times said that even if a rivet on the plane was higher, it would increase the impact of airflow on the airplane during flight, which means that the airplane would become more fuel-efficient.

Therefore, the ability to independently create a commercial civil aviation aircraft, not just just splicing parts so simple, which requires rigorous design capabilities and accurate industrial manufacturing level. This is why the "New York Times" will pass the C919's first flight success, so positive positive for the reasons for China's industrial strength.

A better example is that we all know that China has always been a "foundry" in the world, because we are only working for foreign companies, giving them production and assembly of parts, but the design and technology are people , Our aviation industry is also to Boeing and Airbus to do parts subcontractors. And now the first flight of C919 marks the Chinese people also mastered the design and technology, is no longer a "foundry" the.

In addition, when the domestic keyboard chan who like the bottom of the frogs generally shouting "let the leaders sit" C919, "New York Times" interview several foreign civil aviation professional has been identified in China C919 large passenger aircraft in the security is reliable.

An expert from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said that China's civil aviation safety record has been very good, in the past 10 years only had a fatal crash. The C919 engine and cockpit also have professional technical support from multinational companies to further ensure the safety of the aircraft.

Moreover, last year China's first domestic jet aircraft ARJ21 in the official delivery before use, it took it to test the government officials and the manufacture of the aircraft's state-owned enterprises, "China Business" executives, including the Civil Aviation Authority Director Li Jiaxiang , Minister of Industry and Trade Minister Miao Wei and China Merchants Chairman Jin Zhuanglong and so on.

So, no keyboard Xia who BB, China's senior officials will be ahead of the people ride C919, although not in order to compete with the keyboard only for the work needs, but also for everyone to further prove the safety of C919.

Interestingly, the C919 cynical keyboarders are still playing with each other - when a group of people clamoring for C919 insecurity to let the leaders sit first, another group says C919 is all Foreign parts to fight together, China's contribution to 0, so the first flight success is not unexpected ....

So, can you first "break" the first thing?

But then, "New York Times" Although the positive affirmation of the success of our first flight C919 significance, but the newspaper some of the objective recommendations we should listen.

For example, the outside world in the speculation C919 will challenge the Boeing and Airbus for the market monopoly, but the "New York Times" to remind that, C919 has not yet been the test of commercial flight, fuel consumption and maintenance is more competitive than Boeing and Airbus Unknown, and Boeing and Airbus two veteran civil aviation companies are spent decades, only in the field of large civil aviation aircraft laid its own dominant position.

Hold the same view of the US financial media "Bloomberg". The media interview experts also believe that, C919 short-term difficult to challenge the status of Boeing and Airbus, and because the two companies in the market in the deep foundation, but will lead to C919 in the early promotion of the wall.

Of course, as the New York Times pointed out, in order to develop China's own civil aviation aircraft, the Chinese government will use administrative power to require China's civil aviation companies to purchase C919. Just C919 and follow-up models can get genuine recognition, and ultimately use the technical and strength to speak.

So, continue to refuel it, my country!
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