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He was the fourth man of the year

Time:2017-05-06 Read:1405

May 5, the Securities and Futures Commission and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission issued their own heavy news: CIRC issued a notice that Ampang Life Insurance part of the product to circumvent the relevant regulatory requirements, disrupt the market order, within three months to prohibit the declaration of new The Securities and Futures Commission briefed the Securities and Futures Commission on the recent Founder Securities and other four cases to make administrative penalties, the case mainly involves the controlling shareholder of listed companies, major shareholders did not disclose the relationship between the law, related party transactions and other illegal acts, Million yuan.

According to the reporter found that half a month ago, the Commission has just the top grid punishment "within the ghost" Feng Xiaobing 2.51 billion, and this month on the 2nd, the SFC once again heavy penalties for capital market illegal manipulation of the market Case, for Zhu Kangjun manipulation of "Tieling New City", "ZTE commercial" stock behavior, confiscated its illegal income of about 267.8 million yuan, and impose a fine of about 267.8 million yuan.

In this regard, "People's Daily Central Kitchen" has commented that "2017 financial anti-corruption storm, already intensified," "regulators frequently move may be just a start, it is foreseeable that the financial anti-corruption profile will become increasingly clear "

Insurance Regulatory Commission: Ampang three months to prohibit new products

May 5 morning, the CIRC issued a notice that Ampang Life Insurance should be the product development and management work rectification. Ampang Life Insurance part of the product to circumvent the relevant regulatory requirements, disrupt the market order. Three months to prohibit the declaration of new products.

It is understood that the recent, the CIRC will receive Ampang insurance company submitted the "Ampang longevity enjoy 5 annuity insurance" and other product filing materials. After verification found that "Ampang longevity enjoy 5 annuity insurance" product design deviation from the insurance source, through the return of gold to restore the form of design, the consumer will pay a large number of fast return, the long-term insurance "long insurance short", actually do Into a two-year business, to avoid the shortcomings of the CIRC in the relevant regulatory requirements, disrupt the market order. At the same time, "Ampang e win two full insurance (omnipotent)" product reporting materials in the short duration of the product board of directors resolution no chief actuarial signature, do not meet the "China Insurance Regulatory Commission on the specification of short-term life insurance products related Notice of Article 4 (Article 2 of the Law of the People's Republic of China).

For the Ampang Insurance Company does not strictly fulfill the main responsibility for product development and management, there are violations, to circumvent regulatory requirements and other issues, the CIRC will not record the product. Ampang should immediately stop using the above products. For the customer has been covered, should do a good job of customer service and other follow-up work. And within three months, prohibit the declaration of new products.

SFC: four "Founder Department" company was the top grid punishment

Morning the CIRC has just finished heavy news, the afternoon to the financial sector has not calm the lake and then cast a stone. The Securities and Futures Commission briefed the Securities and Futures Commission recently on the Founder Securities and other four cases to make administrative penalties, the case mainly involves the controlling shareholder of listed companies, major shareholders did not disclose the relationship between the law, related party transactions and other illegal acts, four cases a total of 11.13 million yuan.

The SFC informed that four cases involving listed companies were China Hi-Tech, Founder Technology, Founder Securities, Peking University Pharmaceutical. The investigation and handling of the four cases by the SFC comprehensively covered illegal and irregularities such as disclosure of related relations, related transactions and non-disclosure of changes in shareholding. The SFC decided to the four companies involved in the information disclosure obligations were given the top grid 600,000 yuan fine, the person directly responsible for the top of the grid were given a fine of 300,000 yuan, involving two cases of natural persons were lifelong market ban.

Within two weeks, the SFC fined over $ 1 billion

In addition to the Founder Securities for the top grid punishment, the concept of the sea Jiejie (micro ID: guanhaijieju) reporter noted that, just two weeks time, the SFC has at least three top grid punishment, the other two are Zhu Kangjun stock manipulation case and Feng Xiao Shu case.

According to Xinhua News Agency reported on May 3, confirmed that Zhu Kangjun in the manipulation of "Tieling New City" and "ZTE business" two stocks, has controlled Chen Mouming 42 people 49 accounts, focus on capital advantage, holding advantage , Trading in a row, and trading between the accounts under their control, affecting the transaction price and trading volume of the two stocks, earning about $ 179.7 million and $ 88.02 million respectively. In view of Zhu Kangjun's manipulation of the "Tieling New Town" and "ZTE Commercial" shares, the CSRC issued an administrative penalty decision, confiscating the illegal proceeds of about 267.8 million yuan and imposing a fine of about 267.8 million yuan.

For Feng Xiaoshu case, April 21, the Securities and Futures Commission spokesman Zhang Xiaojun introduction, Feng Xiaoshu has to mother-in-law, spouse's sister in the name of shares to be listed companies, and listed companies listed on the stock after the sale of huge profits, the cumulative transaction amount reached 2.51 Billion, the amount of profits amounted to 248 million yuan. Feng Xiaoshuang was confiscated illegal income of 248 million yuan, and the top grid punishable by a penalty of 251 million yuan, a total of 4.99 billion yuan. At the same time, the SFC on Feng Xiaoshu take lifelong market ban measures.

View of the sea Jiejie (micro letter ID: guanhaijieju) reporter comb found that just half a month, only Zhu Kangjun and Feng Xiaoshu two people, confiscated and the total amount of fine has more than 1 billion yuan.

At least 4 people this year were "lifelong securities market ban" punishment

This afternoon, the SFC press conference informed Founder Securities Li You penalty decision. SFC said Founder Securities serious violations of the law, the person in charge of Li You personally responsible person, respectively, at the top grid punishable by 30 million fine. Li You also involved in multiple cases, from heavy penalties, lifelong market ban. The same "hair", in half a month ago in Feng Xiaoshu body.

Li You Li You
May 22, 2015, the China Securities Regulatory Commission announced amendments to the provisions of the securities market ban, clearly conceal the important facts to conceal the five categories of personnel to take lifelong market ban measures to deter the market, to eliminate the order.

First, engaged in sponsorship, underwriting, asset management, margin trading and other securities business and other securities services business, deliberately fails to fulfill the statutory obligations, and cause particularly serious consequences.

Second, for fraud and manipulation and other acts, the provisions of a clear regard for the concealment and fabricating important facts and other particularly bad means, or the amount involved is particularly large.

Third, engaged in fraud, insider trading and manipulation of the market and other illegal acts, seriously disrupting the securities, futures market order and cause serious social impact, or access to illegal income and other improper benefits are particularly large, or cause the interests of investors suffered particularly serious damage.

Fourth, in the securities regulatory law enforcement encountered illegal personnel obstruction, to resist the issue of law enforcement, if the parties to the seriousness of the circumstances, should take market banned measures; if there is intentionally issued false evidence, concealment, damage to important evidence and other obstacles to resist The securities regulatory agency and its staff shall exercise supervision and inspection and investigate the acts of power.

Five or five years by the Commission to give warnings in addition to administrative penalties more than three times, or five years has been taken to the securities market ban measures.

A total of 18 people have been punished for "market banned", including at least four people, including Li You, who have been in charge of " market". The other three are Guo Congjun, Feng Xiaoshu and fresh words.

According to the official website of the Securities and Futures Commission, Zhejiang Jiuhao Office Services Group Co., Ltd. inflated 2013-2015 service fee income of 260 million yuan, inflated 2015 trade income of 57 million yuan, fictitious bank deposits of 300 million yuan. In order to cover up the funding gap, borrow money to buy financial products or fixed certificates, and immediately for the borrower affiliated company pledge guarantee. Nine good group through the above-mentioned bad means, will be packaged into the value of 3.71 billion yuan of "good" assets, and Anshan Heavy Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. jointly "忽悠" reorganization, in order to achieve the purpose of reorganization. Jiuhua Group, the actual controller Guo Congjun in April this year was taken for life-long market ban.

In January 2014 to June 2015, the use of "Liu Moujie", "fresh", "Xia Moumei" securities account and 14 trust accounts a total of 28 HOMS trading unit, the use of centralized financial advantages, The advantages of holding shares, the advantages of continuous trading of information in their actual control of the securities account transactions, false declaration, etc., affecting the Shanghai Duolun Industrial Co., Ltd. stock trading prices and trading volume, illegal income totaling about 578.33 million yuan; From January 17, 2014 to April 3, 2015, the account portfolio held by the "Duolun shares" shareholding changes more than 5% twice, as the information disclosure obligations, did not comply with the relevant provisions of the disclosure of information obligation. Based on this, the SFC in March to take a lifelong security market for new measures.

Financial anti-corruption into the deep water area

On April 9 this year, Premier Li Keqiang pointed out in his speech at the Fifth Council of Independent Commission Against Corruption that the crackdown on bank credit, securities market insider trading and interest transportation, insurance companies to take fees and other illegal acts, the individual supervisors And the company executives guarded the theft, and the financial crocodile collusion and other illegal acts, must be severely punished according to law, to guard against others.

In fact, the speech took place on March 21, but was released on April 9, and its release was also interesting. On April 9, the Chairman of the CIRC Xiang Junbo, the former import and export bank Beijing branch of the former party secretary, president of Li Changjun two suspected of serious violations of the organization by the organization (microblogging ID: guanhaijieju) reporter found that the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection official website news survey. There are media found that the CBRC Chairman Assistant Yang Jiacai from April 10 is no longer specifically in charge of the relevant work of the CBRC, nor work in the CBRC office building, is likely to have been taken away to assist the relevant discipline inspection departments of the investigation.

Anti-corruption experts, the Chinese discipline inspection and supervision of the former vice president Li Yongzhong said recently that from the past four years of anti-corruption experience, financial anti-corruption into the deep water area, there is a tendency to develop in depth and signal.

Recently, the SFC high pressure crackdown on capital manipulation market without hesitation. This year, the SFC has notified at least 50 cases of illegal violations, published 35 administrative penalty decisions and 10 market banned decision. And punish the object of illegal acts, including insider trading, manipulation of the market, illegal trading stocks.

According to "Securities Times" brokers China statistics, only the first four months of this year, the SFC out of at least 31 tickets, involving more than 5.472 billion fines, more than last year's total fine of 4.283 billion yuan.

In the CBRC, it is worth noting that, on March 29, 2017, the CBRC made 25 administrative penalties, with a total fine of 42.9 million yuan. April 10, the CBRC and then under the catcher "catch cat", Ping An Bank and Huaxia Bank "glory list", a huge ticket reproduction. Among them, the Shenzhen Securities and Futures Commission imposed a fine of 16.7 million yuan on Ping An Bank, while Huaxia Bank was fined a total of 11.9 million yuan due to the fact that 24 illegal violations were violated.

CIRC is also hands-on. February 24, February 25, the CIRC for two consecutive days, respectively, on the front of the sea life, Hengda life of the responsible person to prohibit access to the insurance industry 10 years and 5 years of administrative penalties. On the "non-compliance" insurance companies to take penalties, but also reflects the strict words of the regulatory guidance.

"People's Daily Central Kitchen" commented that these heavy fills behind the ticket, it is in recent years, the accumulation of financial chaos and can not be ignored the potential risks, not only damage the interests of financial consumers and investors, but also lead to financial Virtual and asset bubbles, have to have to control the time. Regulators frequently move may be just a start, it is foreseeable that the outline of financial anti-corruption will become increasingly clear.
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