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Has the Chinese government stopped all financial transactions against North Korea? Chinese response

Time:2017-05-06 Read:1251

China and Senegal are good friends and good partners. With the joint efforts of both sides, bilateral relations have continued to develop rapidly. The mutual political trust between the two sides has been deepened, and the exchanges at various levels have become increasingly close, and the cooperation in the fields of economy and trade has been fruitful. China is ready to work with the Serbian side to implement the consensus of the leaders of the two countries and the outcome of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum Johannesburg summit as an opportunity to deepen cooperation in various fields and benefit the two peoples.
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Since the resumption of diplomatic relations between China and Chad in 2006, the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have been rapidly resuming and developing. The high-level exchanges have been frequent and the achievements in cooperation in infrastructure construction, resources, energy and agriculture have been remarkable and the cultural exchanges have been carried out extensively. We hope that through this visit, we will further implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and the outcome of the summit meeting of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum in Johannesburg to promote the sustained and healthy development of China-Chad relations.

China has long been friendly with Burundi. In recent years, the two countries at all levels of continuous, political mutual trust has been continuously enhanced. The two sides have carried out fruitful cooperation in the fields of infrastructure construction, agriculture, education, health care, and human resources training. The two countries maintain good communication and cooperation in international affairs. China is willing to further consolidate the traditional friendship between the two countries, deepen pragmatic cooperation, and promote the achievements of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum Johannesburg summit in the cloth to better implement and enhance the well-being of the two peoples.

Q: Does the Chinese government explicitly require US President Trump to not meet with the Dalai Lama?

A: On this issue, we have shown the position on many occasions. The 14th Dalai Lama was not a purely religious person, but a political exile who had long been engaged in anti-China separatist activities. The Chinese side resolutely opposes any foreign permission to allow the Dalai Lama to visit and resolutely oppose any form of contact with any foreign official.

Q: First, according to South Korean media reports, the Chinese government recently stopped all financial transactions against North Korea. Can China confirm? Second, the US House of Representatives has passed a new round of sanctions against the DPRK. What is China's comment?

A: On the first question, I would like to reiterate that China has always adopted a comprehensive, accurate, earnest and strict implementation of the relevant resolutions adopted by the Security Council. As for the specific situation you mentioned I do not understand.

On the second question, we have recently answered a lot of similar questions, I can clearly tell you about it. China has always opposed any country to impose unilateral sanctions on other countries in accordance with its domestic law. The current situation on the peninsula is complex and sensitive, and the parties concerned should exercise restraint in particular to avoid taking stimulus and prevent further escalation of the situation on the peninsula.

Q: "One way all the way" International cooperation summit in less than ten days after the opening, the increasing attention from all walks of life, media reports are more and more. We note that the West has a voice that "the way" initiative is not "win-win", but China in the "control." What is China's response to this?

A: "Along the way" initiative has been put forward, the outside world has been a variety of interpretation. We also noticed the similar views you mentioned. This is entirely due to the misunderstanding of definite thinking.

Indeed, the "zone along the way" initiative is proposed by China, but "along the way" building is carried out by everyone. China has no intention to sing the one-man show, do not want to engage in a speech, but always adhere to the "discuss, build, share" concept, we discuss together, work together, benefit together.

At present, the Chinese side is in consultation with the relevant countries attending the Summit Forum on the outcome document of the forum. This document will eventually be the product of "co-operation", the collective wisdom and consensus, rather than the Chinese side of the words.

More than 40 countries and international organizations have signed cooperation agreements with China, and the countries along the country have been actively docking their development strategies and comprehensively promoting the cooperation projects. More than 100 countries and international organizations have cooperated with more than 100 countries and international organizations. Countries "to build" the enthusiasm of the growing, the results for all to see.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that there will be from 110 countries from all walks of life to participate in the forum. If the "one way" is really the Chinese side control, if we really can not "share" the proceeds, I think they are not actively involved.

In short, China is willing to work with all parties to promote the "one side of the road" international cooperation summit successfully, further cohesion consensus, specify the direction, make plans to promote the results for the "one way" initiative to inject new, more powerful The

Q: It is reported that Philippine President Dutterter said that four days ago he spoke with President Xi Jinping on behalf of US President Trump and discussed the situation in North Korea. Who is the call to whom? What issues did the two sides discuss?

A: We have already posted a message about the situation of President Xi's meeting with President Duttert, and I believe you have already seen it. During the conversation, the President and President Duthert exchanged views on bilateral relations, the South China Sea issue and the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula. As for President Duthert's mention of some exchanges with President Trump, this is his relationship with President Trump.

On the DPRK nuclear issue, China's position is consistent and clear. We insist on promoting the denuclearization of the peninsula, insist on maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula, and resolving the relevant issues through dialogue and consultation. Whether we are on the US side or the Philippine side also expressed this position.

As for the arrangements you mentioned about the call, I can tell you that the call is arranged in accordance with the agreement reached by the parties in advance.

Q: The Japanese Finance Minister said at the press conference today that the Chinese Finance Minister did not attend the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of China, Japan and ROK. Did he go to Japan?

A: You should understand this question to the Ministry of Finance. According to the news I saw, May 5, Vice Minister Shi Yiobin of the Ministry of Finance attended the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors of China, Japan and South Korea held in Yokohama, Japan. The parties focus on China, Japan and South Korea macroeconomic situation, regional financial cooperation and other issues were discussed.

Q: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released the news of Vietnamese President Chen Daguang's visit to China. Can you brief us on the arrangements and issues? How does China view the current Sino-Vietnamese relationship?

A: At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Mr Chan Dagang, will pay a state visit to China from May 11 to 15 and attend the "International Cooperation Summit Forum".

During the visit, President Xi Jinping will hold talks with President Chen Daguang, and other Chinese leaders will meet with him. The two sides will consolidate the Sino-Vietnamese good-neighborly friendship and deepen pragmatic cooperation in the new situation, and further clarify the direction of the development of Sino-Vietnamese relations in the next stage. I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, this visit will achieve the expected results and push China-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level.

At present, the development of Sino-Vietnamese relations is good. High-level contacts between the two sides, economic and trade cooperation in areas such as expanding, cultural exchanges become increasingly active for the two peoples to bring tangible benefits. China is willing to make joint efforts with Vietnam to continuously consolidate and develop the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries and safeguard the common interests of both sides.

Q: First, the Chinese side refused to attend the China-Russia-India Foreign Ministers' Association last month. Some people say that this is an expression of dissatisfaction with the Dalai Lama's visit to Albania. Can you confirm When will the Chinese and Russian foreign ministers be held? Second, some of the roads and port projects under the "One Way" framework have passed through controversial areas, and some have expressed concern about it. Does China wish to solve this problem through this forum?

A: On the first question, China attaches great importance to the Sino-Russian cooperation mechanism, has been actively involved in the Sino-Russian Foreign Ministers and other activities under the mechanism. As far as I know, the three sides are in the next three foreign ministers will maintain communication and coordination.

On the second question, we have repeatedly reiterated that the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor does not affect China's stance on the Kashmir issue. The Kashmir issue is a historical issue between India and Pakistan, and we hope that the two sides will be properly resolved through consultation and negotiation.

Q: Congo (DRC) government officials said 14 Chinese citizens holding tourist visas were arrested on suspicion of illegal logging and export of mahogany. Does China understand the situation?

A: The Chinese side has noticed the report. We respect the just way to deal with the matter, and hope that the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens are guaranteed.

I would like to emphasize that China is a party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and has always attached great importance to combating the illicit trade in wild animals and plants and has taken " Zero tolerance "attitude. China Customs has organized a number of special enforcement actions to combat the smuggling of endangered timber. China is firmly committed to the fight against mahogany smuggling, and is willing to work with the international community to help the Gang side to effectively enhance the ability to enforce law, to promote the international sustainable trade of endangered timber to contribute to sustainable development.
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