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Tinplate packaging ushers in a creative er LV

           According to the specific products and technical information of the world metal packaging assembly and metalpack and interpack exhibition, metal packaging is meeting an unprecedented technological revolution and creating the er LV thin layer. Its focus and development focus are reflected in the following aspects.           The full application of computer digital technology in Indian railways, tinmaking, detection and control, unprecedented improve the production efficiency.           In order to enhance the visual impact and convenience function of packaging shelves, the product level is upgraded to resist the challenge of paper-plastic packaging.           Focus on reducing resource consumption and product recycling. Derived material technology, printing technology, welding tinmaking technology, abroach way and technology, a series of innovation and development. The specific manifestations and trends are as follows:           First, strengthen the promotion function, expect sales packaging is the mainstream of the future.
          Guided by brand customer demand, to promote sales as the goal, the packaging to protection, functional, decorative, convenience, the direction of development. In order to improve the visual impact of the shelf, from the original more single concentrated production to the simultaneous production of more diversified special-shaped cans; From the original manufacturing to refined, lean, fashionable trend manufacturing transformation. More adapt to the rapid change of packaging market, urbanization development, packaging promotion requirements.           Second, the development of functional packaging, convenience packaging is a trend.
          Further explore the characteristics of ma material and versatility, promote the reduction design, cost-saving design and portable, convenient to meet ergonomic design, and fully expand the application of metal packaging in various fields. The product category and packaging camp are more rich, and the application field is expanded.  


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